The Community Seniors Cooperative Ltd (CSCL) was founded in 2017 under the Co-operative Associations Act of PEI to develop an affordable, modern community care residence within the Town of O’Leary, Prince Edward Island. The Willows, a 50-unit Community Care residence, was built to accommodate the growing number of seniors and other individuals from O’Leary and surrounding area who can no longer live independently, but who desire to remain in their community, close to family and friends. The Willows opened in June, 2024.
In PEI, Community Care refers to living arrangements for seniors that support their activities of daily living such as meals, housekeeping and care services. Seniors are assessed using the Seniors Assessment and Screening Tool (or SAST for short). This assessment determines that Community Care can support the needs of the resident in their entirety. The services that a Community Care can provide are limited, and as residents needs increase they may get reassessed and require nursing care which is provided in a Long Term care setting. Community Care does not provide nursing services. For further information about Community Care and Long Term Care in PEI, please visit Community Care Facilities and Private Nursing Homes | Government of Prince Edward Island

Donations will be used to support The Willows areas of greatest need as it works to furnish the rooms for this community care home in O’Leary, PE.
We would like to recognize those who have made contributions to this project.
We can not do this without You!
Thank You!
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Public Health Protocols set out by CPHO will apply.
CSCL Dears
A Local Twist on a Familiar Song
This spring, Sea Shanties were all the rage online. As we enter into fall, one of our Board Members Rick Cameron thought he would bring this trend back with his twist on an old favourite about our project!
Anyone want to add a verse? Check out the Lyrics Here and post your own version to our Facebook Page!